Monday, January 16, 2006

James 1:21

"Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls." James 1:21

Filthiness and naughtiness may seem like extreme adjectives for some of us! Many definitions are given for filthy: vile, nasty, obscene, disgustingly dirty, and covered with filth. It is hard to imagine our souls in such a state(even though we know we are sinners and beg for the cleanliness of Christ in our heart daily). We have to keep in mind any sin is filthy, vile, and nasty in God's eyes. Whether it is a little lie or murder, a sin is a sin. It causes blemishes or dark spots to grow upon our soul. How do these blemishes or dark spots affect us?

They affect the absorbtion of the word. When the filth of sin(the world) is prevalent or in excess(superfluity) in our lives, our heart is like a strainer for the Word. I find it funny that a strainer is a device which separates liquids(Living Water) from solids(our hearts). These black spots act as holes. The knowledge of God cannot be held inside the solidness of our heart. Our hearts cannot contain the Word with sin blocking the retention or allowing the Living Water to flow on through us. We pick up bits and pieces, but greater understanding and growth is sacrificed. Instead of sacrificing a growing knowledge of God, how about we sacrifice ourself?

We must cleanse our minds, hearts, and lives before digging into the Word! Humbly beg Jesus to cleanse the sins from your life and heart. Mend the holes in our heart. We will have a new vessel to catch and retain the Word of God. A fleshy heart-shaped bowl catching and soaking in God's light-filled word. It is in meekness and humbleness of heart that we must open ourselves to the penetrating and cleansing light of the Lamb. He will mend and cleanse our heart so that we might grow in God's light. A tiny flower absorbing the nourishment needed. It is needed. Put your heart daily in the light of the LORD. It is of the utmost importance! We must never become stagnant or plateau out. Keep climbing like a vine towards the loving light of God, for you can never be too close to his radiant light!


Ezekiel 16:14

"And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty: for it was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God." Ezekiel 16:14

"Beauty, like ice, our footing does betray; Who can tread sure on the smooth, slippery way; Pleased with the surface, we glide swiftly on, And see the dangers that we cannot shun." John Dryden Physical beauty is a national obsession in America. It is a priority in most nations. The elite and popular people are usually those of a beautiful nature. Beauty holds power and popularity nowadays. The corruption of beauty is a slow spreading disease in a person. I know....

My youth was not characterized by a beautiful face or a good body. Time tends to have a way of changing things. I began to work out and train my body. The Marine Corps was kind enough to assist me as well. Sometime, God was nice enough to bless me with an attractive face(by no means beautiful, thats for sure!). Well, the moment comes when awareness of your physical attributes kicks in-that is a dangerous area. I embraced the danger. For at the time, I saw no danger. Pride crept into my heart. It changed my perception of people. You might ask how....

Two classes of people existed: those more attractive than myself and those less attractive. It is how I judged people. A person would out perform me in a task, but at least I looked better than they did. Pride, in my looks, became a crutch or excuse. A crutch tearing down others and lessening their value in my eyes, while "building up my value." Beauty is not an edge or advantage to be plied against one another. It is a blessing of God and a direct reflection of His glory and beauty. The simple beauty, possessed by us, compares little to none with the majesty of the universe.

We are constantly surrounded by an awe-inspiring beauty of creation that makes ours insignificant. The Big Dipper in the early a.m., the majesty of Mt. Fuji stark against a blue sky, the setting over the Mojave Desert-rays of light scintillating across the sand, and the cold snow laid out like a blanket in Anchorage Alaska....I've been blessed to lay eyes on the true simple beauty of God that reflects his creative and beautiful heart. These things shout out the glory of the LORD. "Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and everything that moveth therein." Psalm 69:34 It is their job, and they perform it with a single mind. We do not do the same thing. I did not and do not do the same thing.

Beauty is a gift. It is not meant to be used in a condescending or negative nature. The self will try to use it as a destructive and enslaving force on your soul, my soul, and to anyone's soul! We must keep a humble mindset. Equality is a fact. God sees and loves us all the same no matter the clay shell enshrouding our soul. Here is but one picture of humbleness. "For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him." Isaiah 53:2 Jesus could have been the most beautiful man in history, but he chose complete humbleness. Keep in mind the actions of the Christ!


Proverbs 18:1

"Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom." Proverbs 18:1

Selfishness has no place in this world. Before the world was formed, a family of three existed: Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Family has been the main theme from the get-go. God created man. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." Genesis 1:27 The family was enlarged. I believe that God has always wanted a large family. Now, here comes the question! If we were established as a family, where are we now? The world is definitely not known for it's family atmosphere. It is time to return to the the days of our ancestors!

The idle chit chat has to stop. False movement of the lips and the hypocrites can go to Sheol. True bonding, a true return to what once was before time began. We must view each other as family and not competition. No need to compete for each others favor. No need to compete for God's favor. He is more than 1000 universes combined can handle. No lack of God. We each have a personal savior in Jesus. No reason for competition! The church after Pentecost had the right idea to a degree in my opinion.

"And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, " Acts 2:44-46 I do not quite believe that we have to sell all and have a community pool of money. I do believe God has financially blessed some in order to help others. If we see another in need, well family takes care of family. We are also here for moral support and accountability. We must know one another's weaknesses in an effort to keep each other safe and held true to God's Word. Family does not view them as weakness. I do not see it as such. Every piece of armor made is susceptible to piercing. We must know where to keep an eye out for the Enemy. Keeps the family strong! I believe this only makes us stronger by the showing of these areas. Bonding and endearment to each other occurs. Our spiritual gifts are sharpened and encouraged by closeness of others. When they truly see into our hearts, counsel will be bountiful.

Singleness of heart is a wonderful statement. What does it mean? Distraction of self must be thrown aside. Personal goals, desires, and needs are tossed out the window. We must truly be sold out for God. His mission and needs are all that matter. Once we truly understand that and embrace it, a singleness of heart will be established. We will truly be on track with God. A unification of our will and God's Will.

Unification is how we will stand against the tide of rising darkness in this world. Satan prefers singles. He loves to try and break apart families. We must not let this happen in the church or in our personal lives. A unity of love with God will keep us strong. A wall of Jesus encompassing the hearts of our families(personal and church). We cannot and will not allow the Enemy to prevail against us. What the Enemy views as the chinks in our armor will be used to form a cohesive family unit. It will bring forth that unquenchable love. A fire that burns bright in a world of darkness. The lost, like moths, wil flutter in from the darkness. They will be attracted by the sense of family. The warmth will bring them in. When they are touched by it, oh what a change will occur! "Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." Acts 2:47


Luke 5:29-32

"And Levi made him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them. But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners? And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:29-32

Preoccupation. Websters has a few definitions for this word. 1) The state of being preoccupied. 2) Something that preoccupies or engrosses the mind. 3) Occupation of a place in advance. I am guilty of preoccupation to the point of God's mission and business not being done. Time is available for fun, friends, and myself, but not for those truly in need. The publicans and sinners.

My weeks are normally planned out. My evenings are designated. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are "me" days. I go home and try to relax and read in a novel and the Bible. Thursdays are either Awakening or an accountability group meeting. Both of which serve more to help myself or for the companionship of friends, with some emphasis on others(which are primarily Christians). Fridays and Saturdays are the fun days. Social events are going on during these days and nights! Who benefits from the movies, bowling, coffee shops, and concerts? ME! Sunday is the LORD's day. Now, I left out Mondays. I did manage to squeeze some Upward Basketball practices in on those days. The feeling, when leaving, was not of a high contribution factor. Mainly, I got chased around by the children. While it was very fun, the children did manage to wear me out! Where is my focus on those truly in need? The sinners and publicans?

Time does need to be given to our personal growth in the LORD, encouragement and teaching of others in the LORD, and some fun social time! BUT, time management needs to be better used! I need to cut back in some areas and give more of myself and the Lord Jesus Christ to those in need. The Social Life time could definitely be chopped back a bit. We need to be more active in society. Make the LORD known to those in need! We need to delegate more time of "they that are whole" and put it on "they that are sick."! A schedule shuffle needs to occur! Where and when can you contribute? Shift the attention of enriching our own lives, and enrich the poor's life! We must preoccupy some time for the sick!


Proverbs 8:17

"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me." Proverbs 8:17

Diligence is the word to describe how we must dig into the Word of God. We must be persistent. There have been times when the Word and the Spirit has brought brand new revelation to me. However the majority of the time, the Word brings past experiences to mind. This is how enlightenment is brought. Wisdom gained.

I heard Steve Gillis say that he likes to read the Bible until it speaks to him. After hearing this, I modified my way of reading. Enough time had not been devoted to study. Now, my reading is not finished usually until a verse speaks to me. It isn't like God comes over the intercom in my head and provides an explanation. My life experiences are what He uses. The life experiences of others are used. Movies and songs speak to me. Anything based off life experiences. Experience is how we make it personal. It is how things stick in our mind and make us cling to it more passionately. A total understanding is possessed. It is not just remembering the knowledge, which can be impersonal. God shows us wisdom in a personal way! He shows how and when we've made mistakes. How we should have dealt with a situation or person. Mistakes are how we best learn. Knowledge and wisdom are ground into the heart. God's Word reflects our lives back into our faces. "A real book is not one that we read, but one that reads us." W.H.Auden

Knowledge and wisdom is best gained when it is personalized. I have gained it in different ways. It sticks best when I realize how I goofed up, and God shows me what to do to fix it. The wisdom of God will help keep your course in the future. For when the same situation comes up, you now know how to handle and face it! God allows us to experience circumstances to mature and grow us in His wisdom and love. We do not always understand what is going on in the heat of the fiery trial. But if we dig into God's Word consistently, He is faithful and will shed light into our heart. Wisdom will grow. Christlikeness will be acquired bit by bit. "The Word of God must be Read and Heard with Diligence that so you may arrive to the Knowledge that is needful for you." Cotton Mather


John 16:24

"Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." John 16:24

As I drove to work this morning, a scene played in my head. It was a scene from the movie Braveheart. William Wallace's father and brother have been killed in battle. The funeral is over. His Uncle Argyle arrives afterwards. Over dinner, Uncle Argyle asks if the priest had given a poetic benediction. Young Wallace does not know. The benediction was in Latin. Uncle Argyle asks, "You don't speak Latin?" "No" is the response. "That is something we shall have to remedy then, isn't it?" asks Uncle Argyle. How does this tie into John 16:24?

Pertaining to John 16:24, God has been specifically very gracious to me. I am sure there have been other times, but I am here to tell of just two. "...ask, and ye shall receive..." is about as blunt as you can put it. These two instances were asked for with a willing heart. I sought after the things of God with my heart. God knew my heart truly wanted these prayed-for gifts. He gave them to me because He knew that I would use them for the glory of His kingdom. Some people do not ask for the gifts of God to be used for His glory. They seek gifts for their own gain. It must be done with a meaningful and willing heart that is after God!

My nature is analytical in the extreme. God showed me the hardness of my heart. Compassion was not big in my nature or heart. God opened my eyes and allowed me to see this. I humbly begged Him to tear down the walls around my heart and allow compassion to flood into my heart. My notebook was lying near. I annotated it in my notebook. Months and months went by. My daily routine stayed much the same. Movies are my thing. I enjoy watching them as I eat dinner. As I would watch these movies, my emotions started to rage. Compassion flooded my heart, and it wasn't even to the climatic part! Little things would jerk my heart strings and make me tear up. It took a little while but I finally realized that it was happening consistently. One day, I needed some paper and picked up my notebook. I flipped through it, looking for a blank sheet. A page crossed my vision with a single line written across it. "Tear down the walls in my heart and let compassion flood in." Realization dawned. "This is awesome." Such thoughts innundated my mind. "God is good" was definitely one of them.

The second time was just as great! April was the month. I was sitting at home, and the Bible was in my hands. A particular passage struck me. Random thoughts(to me anyways) ran through my mind. I wrote them down as fast as I could. The finished product was not that great, BUT I had an awesome feeling of accomplishment. A thought came into my mind. "I would not mind doing this writing-stuff." I sought the LORD with my heart. Prayed for God to just give me the ability to write. A quicker response came this time. Two months elapsed. George MacDonald was the flood gate. It seemed like every page I read unlocked a treasure chest in my head. Writing has become a passion of mine. First, it seemed like work. Now, a priviledge is laid before me.

"And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;" Acts 15:8 God knows our hearts. He knows the truth of our requests and what we will do with the gifts that He gives us. I wanted these gifts, not only to change the hard-bitten man that I was, but to influence others for the greater good-GOD! The Almighty will pour out the gifts of Jesus into our hearts. Faithfulness is required. Do not hoard the talents He gives you. Spread the love, knowledge, and compassion that He puts in your heart and mind. I shall probably misquote this, but I will give a rough effort. Pastor Johnny Hunt says something to this effect. "God does not call the equipped; He equips the called." Compassion and writing was not my fortay. Jesus questioned me in my heart. He saw that I lacked these gifts. "Do you not speak the languages of love or knowledge?" asked Jesus. "No" was the answer in my heart originally. Jesus just smiled and said, "That is something that we shall have to remedy then, isn't it?" My response was an earnest "Yes!" Jesus is faithful and true(Revelation 19:11)! We must be the same, not only to Him but to the ones on this earth that are in desperate need of the love and knowledge He blesses us with in our hearts!


Philippians 2:14-15

"Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world:" Philippians 2:14-15

Negativity is a contagious force. It is worse than a cold or the flu. Those sicknesses of the body will run their course and begone! Negativity is a sickness of the mind. It can linger around for an unlimited amount of time. Once emitted into an environment, it can affect many and change their positive mood into a negative one.

The Negative Airborn Sickness(N.A.S.) is a regular at my place of employment. I am often the carrier of this disease. Customers, corporate office, drivers, and other office personnel influence my mood. I allow their actions to affect my positive mood. They are usually not even in a negative mood. They just happen to infringe upon my schedule, space, or sanity. This triggers the N.A.S. Irritability never leads to much uplifting and encouragement! It usually leads to bitterness and ridicule. How do we combat the bitterness?

" Do all things without murmurings and disputings" Philippians 2:14 Keep Christ in the forefront of our minds. Christ was and is ever positive. When bitterness is part of our nature, the light of Jesus in our heart is dimmed by the negative forces trying to grab a foothold. I must keep in my mind that life is not against me. God is not against me. Jesus is not against me. Our lives have a plan for them; they are to be lived for His glory and the furtherance of the Gospel. The Gospel cannot be spread with a negative attitude. Love is not capable of negativity. God is not capable of negativity. We must take our eyes off the small picture(us) and put them on the BIG picture(God).

Proper perspective is the theme. A joyous attitude is a must for the proper spreading the Gospel. Negativity is like shutters thrown on a lamp. People cannot properly view the light and love of Christ. Christ did not show negativity. His eyes were on the end of the race. They were on his Father and the Father's Will. The furtherance of the knowledge of the Glory of God was and is Christ's joy. It should and must be ours as well. Mumbling and grumbling does not promote love. Love can be just as infectious as those other two cancers. Let love and joy be your airborn contagion, for they inspire growth and happiness NOT negativity!


1 John 2:15-16

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:15-16

"And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:10 In the beginning, ALL of creation was good. Earth, man, and angels were all good. Lucifer initiated the corruption of all good things, except for God. "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12:7-9 Satan was thrown to Earth and injected his belief system into humanity. Souls have been vied for ever since. Tis good versus evil.

The beliefs, that twist hearts, come not from the Creator. God IS and DOES good. "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever." 1 Chronicles 16:34 The Lord God did not boast of creating the heavens, the earth, and man. It was out of love that these were created. He loved us so much that He gave us dominion over the earth and all that is in it(Genesis 1:28). Free-will was given to choose to obey or disobey. This requires unconditional love. We should humble ourselves before such great goodness, not let the "power" we possess blind us to the fact it was and is all a gift. God knows nothing of lust, pride, or boasting. He is purity incarnate. All of these twisted attributes come from the corruption of love. Who corrupted love?

Satan's presence in the world twists our view. His pull is so strong that he twists goodness and love until it is but a shadow of it's former glory. When we bite into the apple of deception the devil gives our mind, we are but a shadow of the glory we could have shown the world for the LORD. Satan projects his sin(or rebellion) upon us. Ambition was founded by his unnatural want for more(the throne of God[Isaiah 14:12-14]). His desire, to be worshipped, spawned our constant craving for attention. Its all about greed. Lucifer had already been given everything, yet he wanted MORE! He wants more to make himself better than God. Satan seeks to instill his values and "morals" in humanity. To create a revolution in humanity. The use of accomplishments and material wealth will make others less than us. Those "do-gooders" or "Christ followers" will be put under his feet. He views these people as weak(for they care more about others than themselves). This is a foreign concept(care) to the devil. He is not creative or a creator. Manipulation is all that the devil knows.

Good versus evil? Unconditional love versus manipulation? God has pursued us through the ages with a love so pure that it cannot be corrupted. His love is constant, constantly good. So good and pure, He sent a Lamb so pure, pristine, and full of love to repair the gap that we willfully made. We chose to be manipulated by the Enemy. He deceived us with a bright and shiny "prize." Nothing in this world is worth the loss of the unconditional love of the Father. Eternity with Abba and Christ Jesus is the only "prize" worth having! Beware the temptations and manipulations of the devil. His actions got him banished from Heaven. Heed his advice and you will find yourself in the same pickle!



"Of all teachings that which presents a far distant God is the nearest to absurdity. Either there is none, or He is nearer to every one of us than our nearest consciousness of self." George MacDonald

I say, "Narry a doubt!" Narry a doubt is located in my mind. There is a God. The Lord Almighty is a close and personal god. He has ALWAYS been close to mankind. "And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thin own bowels shall be thine heir. And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness." Genesis 15:4-6 God conversed with Abram. He lifted him on high and showed him the number of his descendents. That is close proximity.

God is a creator unlike any the world has ever known. Omniscient is used to describe the Almighty. I believe that we do not realize the validity of this statement. God's creation was born out of His mind. The LORD spoke his creation into existence(Genesis 1:3,1:6,1:9,1:14,1:20,1:24,1:26). By the vastness of His mind, everything(He has created) is inexplicably connected to God. He is so in tune with man that he knows everything about him/her from the outside to the inside. "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Luke 12:7A "And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts:" Luke 16:15A God's mind is ever connected to all of his creation. It is a bond such as a human creator will never be able to fathom. We always think of God watching us with something akin to human eyes(visual sight). I believe its more of a mind's eyesight. Love leaves an indelible imprint in God's mind. A connection of love tying us back to the Father(whether we believe in Him or not). Love and the vastness of His mind allows Him to know us in the most intimate way, closer "than our nearest consciousness of self."

Distance is not a factor with God. Everything in the universe came into creation from the spoken words of His mind. We came from the most intimate recesses of God. How could we ever deem Him a distant God or Father? "Love knows no bounds." Unknown


Psalm 71:3

"Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me, for thou art my rock and my fortress." Psalm 71:3

God gave us free will. We possess the ability to choose the right path or the wrong path. "May" is the pivotal word. We may seek God or we may try to seek happiness on our own. Even when we have chosen God, "may" is still prevalent in our life. Trials and tribulations are endured. Storms rise up out of thin air. The air will turn bitterly cold or blistering hot. Our spiritual environment will get brutal in this life. Two choices are available: use our own strength or the strength of God?

Our spiritual strength is nil. We face an adversary with millennia of experience in the art of spiritual warfare. The clay vessel of our body cannot protect us from the elemental attacks on our soul. The Enemy knows the weaknesses of the human soul. Pride is very familiar to him. He will tell us that we possess the strength to withstand these assaults. These prideful thoughts seem to come from our own mind. The attacks will be easy at first. As pride grows in our spirit, a full-out assault breaks through any defense we could erect. We free fall with pride as our only companion, and the mocking laughter of the Enemy filling our ears! Where is our spiritual strength now?

The more favorable of the choices is the choice of the Psalmist. "Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort..." Psalm 71:3A He knows where his protection lies. The Lord God is a strong habitation. A habitation is a place of abode; a residence(Websters). The Almighty is a dwelling place. Our soul must stay in God's protective walls. We must continually reside in His Will and His Word. Protection is provided free of charge. We just have to choose to seek His shelter. When the storms, bitter weather, and good weather comes, the habitation of the Lord should be frequented. It is no different than returning to your apartment or house every night. Our souls must return daily to it's home: the Lord Almighty. God is our soul's apartment or house. He is where our soul gets it's comforting rest! God is the only fortress that can stand up to wiles of the Enemy.

Pride and pain? Peace and prosperity? The first is a result of our trying to ride out life's events on personal strength. The second is seeking sanctuary where our souls will be ministered to in life's trials. Life is full of choices. We may continually resort to God, or we may continually resort to ourselves. Spiritual strength is lacking in our souls. It has one source. The habitation of God will give us the strength required to endure life. The endurance given will bless us and glorify His Majesty. His Glory will shine all the brighter through us. We must acknowledge that He is our sole soul provider. Seek His habitation daily and gleefully. "Home is where the heart is." Pliny How does our soul spell home? G-O-D!!!!


Colossians 1:28

"Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:" Colossians 1:28

Perfection is something that we cannot attain on our own. Our sinful nature is the reason we cannot attain it. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 Who can know it? Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit are the ONLY ones who will ever truly know our hearts. Therein lies the key to attaining perfection in Christ Jesus!

We must seek to be perfect in Christ Jesus. Our heart must no longer be of this world. A total surrender is required. The reins dropped out of our hands. Our desires forfeited(for our desires are tainted by this world). We must totally immerse our heart in the Word of God. Saturation of the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus are a must!

The heart is the most important component in this equation. The wisdom of God does not just provide knowledge. Genuineness, care, and long-suffering are three key attributes of Christ Jesus. The attributes must be ingrained into our heart by the Word of God. They lend credibility to a changed life. The world is not known for these traits. A heart full of care, genuineness, and long-suffering shows itself to be a heart after Christ Jesus. Not only a heart after Christ, a heart immersed in the loving folds of the Lamb's wooly heart! Christ's nature in us preaches a sermon all of it's own. It opens the way for the written Word of God to be preached. This is a way for souls to be won.

Teaching is a duel edged sword. Wisdom goes out to those in need; wisdom is ingrained into the teachers heart. Scripture is broken down in a manner so that it is easily understood. Explained for utilization in our life. User friendly is an adequate description. The audience gets wisdom to study and apply to their heart from the teacher. The teacher's heart is also fed. Time is spent poring over the Word. Its like the heart of the teacher is running through a field full of tall grass in the early morning. The grass is the Word of God. It is covered in dew(wisdom). As the heart runs through the grass(verses), it is soaked with the dew(wisdom). The heart is permeated by the wisdom of God. The teacher gets the joy of feeding and growing other's hearts and his own!

"....that in all things he might have the pre-eminence." Colossians 1:18C Christ must be the pre-eminent one in our life. He has to be number one. Our hearts must be lost in Him in every aspect. It is a complete surrender. Wave the white flag, tie it around your heart. Everyday, we must drive the self out and give free reign to Christ Jesus. The Word of God must cover the inside of our heart. The inside of our heart should resemble the Sistine Chapel. The Word of God paints a much prettier fresco than Michealangelo! Our hearts should continously breath in the Word so that it might be exhaled into the world. All that He is becomes all that we are. This is how we become "perfect in Christ Jesus." Wave your white flag high. Allow your heart to be forged into a striking resemblence of love through the Holy fires of Christ Jesus' heart.


Philippians 3:9

"And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:" Philippians 3:9

Many religious people want the limelight for themselves. They want to be the candle that burns brightest. "All eyes on me" personality rings in their head and heart. The law is their scapegoat. It is their means to fanning their tiny flame to a their mind! By adhering to the laws, self-imposed righteousness is acquired. They are righteous because they stuck to the law. Their strength acheived their righteousness. It instills an independent nature. They are independent of God. Intimacy is never known. God might be viewed as a crutch instead of being the source of their strength. They still believe in God; His role is diminished in their life. He is not their Rock or foundation. There is nothing we can do to earn or possess "our own" righteousness. Tis the right way.....

God gave us a gift. He gave us the perfect sacrifice. The perfect door was opened between God and us. Christ died on the cross. He became the doorway to God. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 Jesus is the author of our faith which leads to God. God is the author of our existence and the laws that we follow. The Almighty gave us all: our bodies and souls, the laws to abide by, and His son which returned us to Him. We have nothing to give or earn on our own that He has not already given us. Righteousness is a gift of God. Humble yourself before God. Love Him with all your soul. It is His just due.

The Law was handed down by God, but it is an inanimate object. It cannot give righteousness. God himself is the only one capable of such a gift. He gives us grace and righteousness. Neither can be earned or awarded. It is given out of the generous overflow of the Father's heart. He gave us faith through Jesus. Everything originates from God. Do not think that life is about earning and winning accolades or adulation from people. Its about giving the love, the righteousness(our morals), and forgiveness that the Father gave us. Do not lift yourself above other men and women. Love them from the trenches!


Ephesians 5:19

"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" Ephesians 5:19

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8 This is a call to witness God to the unreached people groups and those in need of more information concerning Jesus. These people are in desperate need of Jesus. There are others also in need. The people taking the Word out to the needy. Refreshment is in order.

This verse(Ephesians 5:19) is specific about its uplifting nature. We are called to be a constant encouragement to each other. God is a constant source of love, encouragement, and strength for us. He insures our Christlike growth. We must help keep each other focused on God. Psalms, hymns, and verses minister to our hearts. When life beats us down, the Word of God is like Red Bull. It gives us wings to pull us up out of the dreariness that life can attempt to sink us down amidst. God's Word keeps our eyes on Eternity, not the world's pitfalls and snares. It gives us the energy and reassurance we need to minister to those who don't know Christ.

God ministers to us when His loving words(psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs) caress our heart. Life can get hectic sometimes. We may not always make time for the Word of God. Be mindful of other's needs in your life. Reassure them of the Father's love. Uplift and reinforce each other's heart. Love has a delightful way of playing a soothing melody upon your heartstrings. Those notes fall deliciously upon Abba's ears!


William Shakespeare

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." William Shakespeare

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Genesis 1:26A Image is the word that I want to focus on here. We believe strength emits a good image. Personal strength. This will not suffice. God made us in His image. The image of God's soul is what I am talking about. Yet, we use our souls deceptively. How might this be?

God gave us a soul. It was meant for great purpose(God's glory). The original "face" of our soul was meant for good. Fellowship with God is a baring of our soul. We surrender it all to Him. Yet, circumstances arise in our life where we make another face to God and to our brothers and sisters. A place in our life where personal strength is stripped away. One strength remains available. God's strength. Shame or embarassment will keep us from opening up our needs to either the family of Christ or to God. We tie a color-shifting cloak around our heart that allows it to blend with all the other "blessed" hearts surrounding it in the congregation. A facade is put on the wellness of our heart. The only thing achieved is the prolongment of the pain of our heart. Embarassment and shame must be cast into the wind. Vulnerability embraced. Vulnerability allows the door to open to our loveline. Our loveline connects us to fellow believers and God.

There are two types of vulnerability: partial vulnerability and total vulnerability. Many Christians have mastered partial vulnerability. They let us glimpse into small facets of their heart. Those small facets allow them to deem themselves vulnerable. God demands all. We treat Him the same way. He knows all of our heart, yet we only offer up pieces to Him. Total vulnerability is unhindered love. Nothing is held back. Intimacy would know no bounds if we laid our souls bare upon the altar. Embarassment and shame blown away by the might of love. Intimacy will bring the family into such a closeness that we will be in awe of the blessing that God is and of what He gave us(each other)! Dare to toss the dice with God. You will win and reacquire the face that God has given you. Oh my, tis a beauty to behold!


Psalm 37:5A&6A

"Commit thy way unto the LORD....And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light...." Psalm 37:5A&6A

When we truly dedicate our lives to the LORD, those gifts that are inside us(the Christ in us) will bubble forth to the surface of the brook that we are. It will change our countenance. People will be greeted with a joy, compassion, and sincerity that they are not used to. The world does not offer such. We will be an abnormality.

I want to be an abnormality in this world. Be a joy to brighten other's dreary day. Joy is infectious. Be compassionate so that others know you care. Dig into their day, and find the good. All the while being sincere in your efforts. Christ will make these ways natural in your life. People will know that you are not just offering lip service. Care will be evident. They will want to know how a person can be this way in this harsh world. Viola'!! The door is opened via kindness. Share the reason your hard, modern, worldly heart was changed. Tell them how your normal heart became an abnormal heart full of love and forgiveness.


2 Timothy 2:26

"And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." 2 Timothy 2:26

In any conflict, the good and bad side are equally represented by soldiers. Soldiers are recruited by both sides. The same can be said of the war between God and Satan. Recruitors are out in full force. Christians are out spreading the Gospel. New recruits come in daily. Contracts are penned in the hearts of these new soldiers in Christ. The training begins. Unfortunately, this whole process is more appealing to the world. Why is the other side so appealing?

The rewards of joining are instant. Pleasure is the biggest appeal that the Enemy possesses. In today's world, the body's so-called "needs" can be met at just about anytime and anywhere. Time does not matter anymore. Stores are open 24/7. The internet never sleeps. We live in a world of instant-gratification. The accessibility of sin is blinding. Everyone does it! Why shouldn't we? The majority rules and makes it popular and OK! Popularity is a side effect that sinners do not mind.

Captivity is a whole different subject. Blindness is one more adverse effect. The pleasure blinds us to the chains that we clink to our hearts. The cold hard sound clangs briskly in our chest. It falls upon deaf ears. Satan has our eyes and ears full of pleasure. We are captive to do his will. What exactly is his will? "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy..." John 10:10A Greed sets in our bones. Drives us to fulfill our own "needs" at the cost of others. We willingly steal, kill, and destroy for the Enemy. Sin blinds us to other's pain. It does not matter because we have made ourselves happy and got what we want! By fixing our eyes on the worldly prizes, we cause damage to otherworldly gems. Souls are stolen from the Lord. Lives are destroyed and killed. Satan loves to destroy God's creation. It makes him all the happier when he can turn God's creation against one another and willingly pillage the Father's children. This is extremely painful and heartbreaking to the Father. What is to be done?

Soldiers must cowboy up. The Gospel must be spread. The Gospel is the hammer that will shatter the lies(shackles) of the Enemy. Sight will be restored to the soldiers duped by the Enemy. They will be able to see what they really "need!" The Father's army is bulked up in said manner. Turn coat is usually a negative word. In this war, it is the most liberating term to be used. Jesus will turn that old musty coat of deceit inside out. A pristine white coat of the Lord drapes across the soldier's shoulders. "And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean." Revelation 19:14 No longer is he/she a captive, but a captivator for the Lord Almighty.


You Wanted More

"Love is trusting, Love is honest, Love is not a hand that holds you down." Tonic You Wanted More

I was jamming out to this song the other day as I drove down the highway. A story paralleling this lyric came to mind. A friend of mine has a similar story. She is with a man that she contemplated marrying. "Contemplated" being past tense. He is unsupportive in her choice of profession. He is also verbally abusive. A lack of genuine care in her emotional welfare is present. Fortunately, she is a smart woman. She understands that love should not treat you in such a manner. It is not a hand that holds you down. What should love do?

Love will help keep us pure. The Father's love will help keep us focused on Him. God numbs the lust of the flesh. Before this year, the lust of the flesh was a non-stop war. Battles and skirmishes fought throughout the day. At the beginning of this year, I re-dedicated myself to God. Christian friendships were provided by God. The Bible has become my favorite book to read. I read in it as often as I can. This has sparked a growth of intimacy with God. Applying Christ's lessons that I might be more like him. The assaults have weakened and are now sporadic. The devil still tries to get me, but God protects me. Jesus protects my mind with his pureness. It is this pureness which I want in my relationship. A pureness of body, mind, and heart offered up to God. A relationship reflecting the pureness and beauty which Christ showed in his lifetime. I have danced along the line of the rules and laws too often in the past. The burn is painful. Physical intimacy(kissing, fondling, etc.) is a lure and a snare. Leads to a downfall. Those things, including sex, are for marriage. Keeping a relationship pure makes life easier and allows us to do God's Will easier. His voice is heard much louder as well!

"Love is not a hand that holds you down." This is epitomized here. We should never attempt to hold a loved one back form their dreams(those of a righteous nature). It is a part of who they ARE! The strangling of a person's dream is a tragedy. It is a lack of concern or care for who they are and who they want to be. This concern has struck home for me of late. The worry clouded my mind that a dear friend might be taken away due to a calling. I wrestled with this fear. No victor was found. I decided to give it to my Victor-God. Life has been clearer. Love does not hold people back. It allows them to be who God made them to be. I no longer possess the fear. I know God is good. He has a plan. His plan involves nothing but good things. Those good things are for His glory. God is an uplifter. WE could take some cues from Him.

Uplifter is a good way to start this paragraph. Uplift is to raise or elevate. The greedy self is in constant contention with an uplifting nature that God instills in us. Yet again, I came into a conflict of this nature the other day. My greed tried to outweigh my concern for others. Anger tried to blind me. This emotion used to give me fits. I used it to make others suffer, verbally. Due to this new conflict the other day, I gained hope. A friend's welfare outweighed the misperceived slight that I felt. A vow had been made before this misperceived slight had occurred. The emotional welfare of this person was of the highest priority. I never want to cause pain or the feeling of inferiority to their psyche. A step of progress has been made. God provides when we earnestly desire to be changed. My relationships have never been the best. God is changing that in and through me!

It is lovely how time and God changes us. I can't honestly say that I would have liked to have a female companion to challenge me. Intelligence was always a must in my book. The challenge thing might have gotten me probably, even just a couple months ago. God has worked on me. I'm priviledged to say so. The majority of men today would feel intimidated by a woman that challenged them to grow in any aspect. I'm glad to say that I no longer fall in that group. A challenge is needed and required. It keeps us sharp and in the game. A woman is not a trophy or just for looks. A constant companion for life is who she is. A woman after God's own heart. If shes after God's heart, you best believe she is going to make sure her man is after God's heart. Each half of this relationship should instigate growth towards Christlikeness. Towards areas we shy away from. To become better people all around. A relationship is a game of gentle nudges. A pushing across thresholds that we fear to cross alone. Humbleness is great in a woman, but please throw in a sprinkle of passion and a smidge of fiery challenge to go with it.

Our personal relationships are a direct reflection of how we treat Jesus and God in our lives. The closer and more intimate we are with God, I believe the closer and intimate we will be able to be with others. My relationships have radically changed over the last six months. God has been awesome. We must view all our relationships with Jesus eyes. They should reflect how we are with Him and how He lived. Our love should never be a restricting force. It should be an unleashing. An untapping of potential exploding forth. Love is a powerful force. It should be used for all thats positive, not for negative means!


1 John 3:18

"My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:18

"ACTION!" is a word that is typically heard at the beginning of filming a movie. It lets the actors know to begin the scene. The director is known for saying this word. "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players..." William Shakespeare We are in a grand play. God is the producer. Jesus is the director in our hearts. We must listen intently for his impassioned cry of ACTION! The flesh tries to smother said words. Various doubts are placed in our head. Pleas of the flesh that our efforts are vain. "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." William Shakespeare Acute hearing should be our agenda. A sharp ear is kept out for the whisper of the director amidst the wailing of the flesh. Why is action so important?

"Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often." Mark Twain Words are easily formed and spoken for all to hear. They can be issued from the heart, full of passion. They also can be issued from the head, seemingly full of passion. Words can be very deceptive. Truth can be seen in one's actions. More so, they are seen in day to day, minute to minute actions. The little ways and deeds used to show one another how much we care or think about them. Taking time out to call a friend or family member. Emailing people. Spending money on a person just because they are worth it or they would love the item you are looking at. It is outreach. Taking time from "our" schedule. Its taking from our pockets(pockets of time, heart, money) to invest in others. The emphasis is taken off us. These actions show that its not about us. Words can be hollow and empty. Christ followers are not. They are full of love, compassion, and mercy. Demonstrations of love is what convinces the eyes. The eyes have more sway on the heart than the ears possess.

Loving words are an awesome gift. They are an encouragement. They move only so far. Action is the motivator. Deeds show the heart. People can tell you they love you one minute; betray your trust the next minute by their actions. A single helpful and loving deed can change one's whole hateful perception. The eyes feed the heart, either for good or bad. Get up and show someone that you care. A truth lies in action that the ears cannot hear.



Anger is a fiery emotion. I describe it as fiery because it flares up the same way a match lights up dry kindling. At the drop of a match, a conflagration erupts. Anger blooms in our heart quickly! What is the source of anger? What friction occurs to light the match?

The friction is our "needs" rubbing against another person's "needs." This is the igniter. I deal with this on a daily basis at work. Customers call my concrete plant all day long needing concrete delivered. This affects me on various levels. During the day, they may call in last minute at lunchtime. I am already booked out. The customer is not being flexible. I have to try to give away yardage to a neighboring plant. A sacrifice is made to meet his need. The sacrifice sparks frustration and anger in my chest. Demands are riding on my back. Expectations need to be met. My need to meet budget clashes with his time need. Anger blooms.

The same thing happens at the end of the day. Our operation closes at 5 pm. Customers call in wanting to pour after 5 pm. It can be very frustrating when you are stuck at work for twelve plus hours daily. Home and supper consumes my mind. Any other activities shade my view as well. Their pressing need to get a job done conflicts with my social and down time. A conflict of interests causes anger.

We see this on a daily basis. Road rage occurs when we are cut off by another frantic driver. They slighted us with their driving. Their need is more important than ours. Our need is diminished in our eyes. The self is the villain. Our greedy nature sets us afire. The need in us is number one priority. However, we must take the focus off us and our agenda. Control must be let loose. We are not in control anyways; God is in control. Realization needs to dawn in our minds. The person cutting us off on the interstate may be rushing to the hospital for a family member. A customer might need to pour this wall to pay his bills this week. A servant's nature must take hold of our heart. Humbleness to serve will snuff out anger before it begins. No kindling is present. A match dropped is instantly put out. Be aware of others needs and seek to meet them. You never know what the full impact will be!


2 John 6

"And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." 2 John 6

It is funny how the world works. People complain all the time about love. They complain about how they want to fall in love and be loved. The man/woman of their dreams should just come in and sweep them them off their feet. They search high and low. The grocery stores raided. Bars are prowled. Internet perused. Singles assemblies stalked. People look everywhere and anywhere. Romantic love is their pursuit. They are looking with a view askew.

I am as guilty as the next person. My pursuit has been the same for the last 12-15 years. We want a romantic love interest. Like I said, we have a view askew. A love interest is what we need. You must drop the romantic part. It comes later in the game. Like anything else in life, training is required. We must be trained in the PROPER way of loving one another. God and Jesus are the only two capable of such a class. They will teach us how to walk in love all day, everyday. Life requires us to walk in it everyday. God requires it. It is how we deal with the people we meet. God teaches us volitional love. A love based on Him and not the worthiness of the object. Love is based on all His wonderful characteristics that He epitomizes! The traits inside us and Him are the true wonders. There are true wonders in each and everyone of us. Some hidden deeper than others. We must love in spite of the flaws. It is the combination of the flaws and the gems that endear people to our hearts.

We must love people for WHO they are. Love them for WHO they want to be. Love is not based off of money, looks, popularity, or job. It is not based off what the world can give you. The world cannot give you happiness. God can give you happiness and fulfillment. He can give you a love that sees past the facades that people have erected in their being! A true love is learned. A love which loves us for what and who we truly are, not materialism. I love God because He is good, not because of what He can give me. He redeemed me by His love. God is love, and love is good. The deeper we fall in love with God, the better we get to know Him. We must walk in love daily. I've already fallen in love with Jesus and God. They will teach us how to truly love one another. An intimate relationship with God does this. By learning in this relationship, God will teach us how to have a proper loving relationship on earth. He will show us how to love more truly and deeply than ever imagined. He will open up the floodgates of our hearts. We will meet that someone God intended for us. All the things that the world cares about and that I used to care about melt away. You will see him/her for real. All the beautiful components that make up their heart. Especially the most beautiful one of all, Jesus Christ.

Romantic love will come one day. Volitional love is the rock of a relationship. God is the rock in a relationship. They are the same. Volitional love will allow us to love a person for them, not for an idea of romance. Once we have established a common ground of love, a change can occur. A pure foundation of Christ love has to be laid down. We can build a romantic love after this occurs. Stay away from the bars and the internet! Look to the Father. He will give us the proper perspective on love and how to walk in it daily!


Proverbs 15:4

"A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breath in the spirit." Proverbs 15:4

A wholesome tongue promotes healing, reconciliation, encouragement, and confidence in the Lord. These things keep the spiritual walls around our heart strong. God imbues the walls with His strength. When we are perverse and turn our backs on Him, His strength is retracted.

The more we sin, the weaker our walls become. Sin will not be kept at bay. A full assault will breach our spiritual walls. Our heart will be sacked and pillaged. Sin will make our heart it's prisoner. Bondage takes place. Once sin has taken hold, it is hard to root out. Impossible by our efforts. God can and will root it out bit by bit. Time is required of such an effort. We must request help from our ally. Emissaries must be sent to the one who can help. Friends ad family pray for intervention. God will honor these truthful pleas. A clean-up squad will be sent. Jesus and the Holy Spirit will eradicate all resistance and help build up the wall again!

Do not be afraid to ask for help. Just because you tore down the wall, does not mean that God will not help you rebuild it. He will not leave you defenseless. Jesus will stand in the gap for you until your strength in God is rebuilt. Keep a clean, healthy tongue and the walls of your heart will be pristine! Perversity will darken your heart and spread through your spirit like cancer, weakening your wall. Do not give a foothold to perversity. Your heart is too precious to inject cancer into it!


False Refuge

False Refuge

"Of all things let us avoid the false refuge of a weary collapse, a hopeless yielding to things as they are. It is the life in us that is discontented: we need more of what is discontented, not more of the cause of its discontent." George MacDonald

One of Satan's favorite words is overwhelm. He wants us to think that we can do nothing to alter the state of the world today. Success is spreading for him. We are falling prey to this belief that one cannot make a difference. Good news is out there though. Where one with the strength of God will stand, others will flock to support. One can make a difference through God's grace and glory. "And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark." Genesis 7:23

Numbers have always been an obsession to humans. We don't have enough, then we are inadequate. Overabundance is rarely an issue with us. An insatiable hole, in us, is what we try to fill up with numbers. The hole can only be filled with God. God cares nothing about these materialistic numbers. He cares about personal numbers: you, us(Holy Trinity), and them(nonbelievers). By their(Holy Trinity) power, He will infuse you(the believer) to change them. A willing believer can become an awesome tool in the hands of God. We have to quit focusing on our inadequacies and start focusing on his ADEQUATE nature. He will give us all that we need to do the job. Do not allow the world to crush and conform the passion within you. First of all, it can not do it. The attempt will be made, but we must turn and trust wholely upon God. Guidance and strength will come and always in time. We cannot give into the world's beliefs that he with the most wins. Actually we can! We just have to modify it from their materialistic view to a spiritual view. We already have the MOST! THE MOST HIGH, God Almighty. And He has won already.

The hope that is within us is what gives us strength to keep moving in this world. To keep proclaiming strong. To keep witnessing strong. He is the source of our strength. "It is God that girdeth me with strength..." Psalm 18:32 God gives us the hope that we can make a difference against the evilness of this world. It is the discontent(Jesus) that drives us(the discontent with the way this world is). He wants us to make a change or impact for His glory, to not leave the world the way we came into it! We have to keep the flames and coals burning hot in our hearts. Focus is the key. The key is to keep our eyes on what or who is discontent(Jesus) and not what causes the discontent(lawlessness and immorality). If we focus too hard on the problems of the world, we will be dragged in and snared. Corruption will follow. The Enemy has won. The finish line is the focal point of this race, not the path of the race. Do NOT be snared.

God is the only refuge we must seek. All others are dust in the wind. They are false and fading refuges. Quit seeking to fill your bodies with the false hope of the world. There is no sustainment in what the world has to offer. No happiness. No fulfillment. Satan does offer a melancholy anchor to drag us into a hopeless abyss. Away from all those that need our help! Stand strong in the LORD! Why subject yourself to hopelessness? Yield yourself to the One that is full of hope. He will fill us with his all-consuming fire that will burn away all traces of the hopelessness and inadequacy that Satan tries to build his false refuge inside of us with!
