Anger is a fiery emotion. I describe it as fiery because it flares up the same way a match lights up dry kindling. At the drop of a match, a conflagration erupts. Anger blooms in our heart quickly! What is the source of anger? What friction occurs to light the match?
The friction is our "needs" rubbing against another person's "needs." This is the igniter. I deal with this on a daily basis at work. Customers call my concrete plant all day long needing concrete delivered. This affects me on various levels. During the day, they may call in last minute at lunchtime. I am already booked out. The customer is not being flexible. I have to try to give away yardage to a neighboring plant. A sacrifice is made to meet his need. The sacrifice sparks frustration and anger in my chest. Demands are riding on my back. Expectations need to be met. My need to meet budget clashes with his time need. Anger blooms.
The same thing happens at the end of the day. Our operation closes at 5 pm. Customers call in wanting to pour after 5 pm. It can be very frustrating when you are stuck at work for twelve plus hours daily. Home and supper consumes my mind. Any other activities shade my view as well. Their pressing need to get a job done conflicts with my social and down time. A conflict of interests causes anger.
We see this on a daily basis. Road rage occurs when we are cut off by another frantic driver. They slighted us with their driving. Their need is more important than ours. Our need is diminished in our eyes. The self is the villain. Our greedy nature sets us afire. The need in us is number one priority. However, we must take the focus off us and our agenda. Control must be let loose. We are not in control anyways; God is in control. Realization needs to dawn in our minds. The person cutting us off on the interstate may be rushing to the hospital for a family member. A customer might need to pour this wall to pay his bills this week. A servant's nature must take hold of our heart. Humbleness to serve will snuff out anger before it begins. No kindling is present. A match dropped is instantly put out. Be aware of others needs and seek to meet them. You never know what the full impact will be!
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