Proverbs 3:3B
".....write them upon the table of thine heart...." Proverbs 3:3b
Let us think of our minds as one of those old wooden school desks. My, how we used to graffiti those kind of desks up with all manner of things. They ranged anywhere from profanity, school support, to who we had a crush on at the time. We treated these desks mercilessly. Bubblegum was stuck to the bottom. Nonstop abuse was the agenda for these poor desks. It is time to change our treatment of these desks!
Our minds is also a desk in my view. We sit at that desk. It is where the majority of our decisions are made. These decisions are ratified by our heart(the Holy Spirit within)! Lovely scheme of checks and balances. We man the control center from the desk of our mind. The flat surface of that desk is the "table of thine heart." A flat surface to gaze upon. Inbetween decisions, most of us likely doodle all over that desk(as in the days of old). Doodling is usually aimless(like our lives sometimes). Why not doodle with purpose? Doodle the LORD's Word upon your desktop. Give it a permanent residence in the forefront of your mind. A constant reminder of God's love and grace to serve as yet another set of checks and balances. In a world such as we live in, we need all the help that we can get!
Different methods of doodling include: memorization, meditation, and abiding in God's Word daily. We can commit verses to memory. The pondering or meditating on verses throughout the day. A daily reading of His Word(to constantly abide in His Word). Each of these ways chisel the Word of God into the desktop of our mind! The use of one or combination of two or all will work wonders to keep us on track. I like using multiple methods. The more I have covering my desk(graffiti-wise), the more strength I have from Him to get through my day. I prefer not to even be able to see my desktop. Gives me something to view and admire inbetween making these daily decisions! Who ever knew graffiti could be so beautiful and so fun? Soul graffiti, the only graffiti that counts!
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