Monday, January 16, 2006

Psalm 71:3

"Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me, for thou art my rock and my fortress." Psalm 71:3

God gave us free will. We possess the ability to choose the right path or the wrong path. "May" is the pivotal word. We may seek God or we may try to seek happiness on our own. Even when we have chosen God, "may" is still prevalent in our life. Trials and tribulations are endured. Storms rise up out of thin air. The air will turn bitterly cold or blistering hot. Our spiritual environment will get brutal in this life. Two choices are available: use our own strength or the strength of God?

Our spiritual strength is nil. We face an adversary with millennia of experience in the art of spiritual warfare. The clay vessel of our body cannot protect us from the elemental attacks on our soul. The Enemy knows the weaknesses of the human soul. Pride is very familiar to him. He will tell us that we possess the strength to withstand these assaults. These prideful thoughts seem to come from our own mind. The attacks will be easy at first. As pride grows in our spirit, a full-out assault breaks through any defense we could erect. We free fall with pride as our only companion, and the mocking laughter of the Enemy filling our ears! Where is our spiritual strength now?

The more favorable of the choices is the choice of the Psalmist. "Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort..." Psalm 71:3A He knows where his protection lies. The Lord God is a strong habitation. A habitation is a place of abode; a residence(Websters). The Almighty is a dwelling place. Our soul must stay in God's protective walls. We must continually reside in His Will and His Word. Protection is provided free of charge. We just have to choose to seek His shelter. When the storms, bitter weather, and good weather comes, the habitation of the Lord should be frequented. It is no different than returning to your apartment or house every night. Our souls must return daily to it's home: the Lord Almighty. God is our soul's apartment or house. He is where our soul gets it's comforting rest! God is the only fortress that can stand up to wiles of the Enemy.

Pride and pain? Peace and prosperity? The first is a result of our trying to ride out life's events on personal strength. The second is seeking sanctuary where our souls will be ministered to in life's trials. Life is full of choices. We may continually resort to God, or we may continually resort to ourselves. Spiritual strength is lacking in our souls. It has one source. The habitation of God will give us the strength required to endure life. The endurance given will bless us and glorify His Majesty. His Glory will shine all the brighter through us. We must acknowledge that He is our sole soul provider. Seek His habitation daily and gleefully. "Home is where the heart is." Pliny How does our soul spell home? G-O-D!!!!



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