William Shakespeare
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." William Shakespeare
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Genesis 1:26A Image is the word that I want to focus on here. We believe strength emits a good image. Personal strength. This will not suffice. God made us in His image. The image of God's soul is what I am talking about. Yet, we use our souls deceptively. How might this be?
God gave us a soul. It was meant for great purpose(God's glory). The original "face" of our soul was meant for good. Fellowship with God is a baring of our soul. We surrender it all to Him. Yet, circumstances arise in our life where we make another face to God and to our brothers and sisters. A place in our life where personal strength is stripped away. One strength remains available. God's strength. Shame or embarassment will keep us from opening up our needs to either the family of Christ or to God. We tie a color-shifting cloak around our heart that allows it to blend with all the other "blessed" hearts surrounding it in the congregation. A facade is put on the wellness of our heart. The only thing achieved is the prolongment of the pain of our heart. Embarassment and shame must be cast into the wind. Vulnerability embraced. Vulnerability allows the door to open to our loveline. Our loveline connects us to fellow believers and God.
There are two types of vulnerability: partial vulnerability and total vulnerability. Many Christians have mastered partial vulnerability. They let us glimpse into small facets of their heart. Those small facets allow them to deem themselves vulnerable. God demands all. We treat Him the same way. He knows all of our heart, yet we only offer up pieces to Him. Total vulnerability is unhindered love. Nothing is held back. Intimacy would know no bounds if we laid our souls bare upon the altar. Embarassment and shame blown away by the might of love. Intimacy will bring the family into such a closeness that we will be in awe of the blessing that God is and of what He gave us(each other)! Dare to toss the dice with God. You will win and reacquire the face that God has given you. Oh my, tis a beauty to behold!
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