Reactive Thoughts
“Happy is the one who pays no attention to his own hasty judgments nor to the gossip of others!” Francois Fenelon Let Go
You might have thoughts coalesce in your mind, but all sinners have thoughts that do such. Let us call them reactive thoughts. The key decision comes in what we do with these reactive thoughts.
Take road rage, for instance. I hardly ever get it. But, I do often find myself calling people “idiots”, “knuckleheads”, or other names for their driving ability. What I’ve come to realize is that they are driving just like I do sometimes. Every now and again, my attention wanders while behind the wheel. I am oblivious or simply slow at times. A multitude of variables are out there, and none of them worthy of me calling them names. The names tend to slip out, BUT I try to make sure that I don’t let it get me so riled as to start cussing, flipping the bird, or any other immature maneuvers while driving. It simply is not worth it. We must watch our thoughts, and act only on Godly ones!
P.S. “It seems to me that you need to be a little more big-hearted about the imperfection of other people. I know you can’t help but see these imperfections when they come right before your eyes and neither CAN YOU PREVENT INVOLUNTARY OPINIONS ABOUT OTHERS FROM POPPING INTO YOUR MIND. And nobody will deny that the imperfections of others cause us a lot of inconvenience! But it will be enough if you are willing to be patient with imperfections, whether they be serious or not so serious. Do not allow yourself to turn away from people because of their imperfections.” Fenelon (My emphasis added.)
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