Psalm 63:8
"My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me." Psalm 63:8
The majority of Christian's relationship with God do not fall under this canopy. I know mine does not. How many Christians can say that their "soul followeth hard" after God? In this context, hard means very near or close in space or time. Before we can even get to the proximity issue, there is another question! Are we the ones following?
The image that I have is of a child grabbing the father by the hand and leading him along the path of life. The child thinks that it knows best. The thought is that it will be safe as long as dad is the companion. We often think that since we have God "on our side," we can run headlong after our desires. Scripture is clear. Follow! We must not and should not head our own way after our heart's desires. Follow means that God is in the lead and we come behind him. Seek His direction in your life. He will not lead astray. Though with God's leading, times will not always be smooth. Trying times will be ahead.
The only hope, or else despair
Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre--
To be redeemed from fire by fire.
T.S. Eliot Four Quartets
Following is not an easy task for someone. Faith is required. Faith in a good God. "The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him." Lamentations 3:25 He will lead us down the path, though it will not be the path of least resistance. "thy right hand upholdeth me.".....we will meet resistance when we walk and work for the Lord, but he will provide strength. Our hand is gripping his finger, relying upon him for direction and strength. Those qualities will flow from him and spread warmth and comfort into our being. Guidance and courage will be imparted.
A closeness must be maintained. Submersion in the written Word and the Living Water. Children take small steps and have short arms. With this combination and having a grip on Abba's finger, we will stay "hard" on his heels. Heels is exactly where we should be. Not in front, behind! Or, as Pastor Johnny Hunt stated, we need to ask God to break our plans. Make our lives truly available to God. Do not seek advice from God, seek His guidance!!!
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