Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Proverbs 6:23B

"....and reproofs of instruction are the way of life..." Proverbs 6:23B

"To err is human; to forgive, divine." Alexander Pope A statement of truth was uttered by Alexander Pope. We are human; we will err. Tis our nature. Mankind strays from God's instruction on a daily basis. God did give us a means of reconciliation from these estrangements. The Holy Spirit resides in us. He governs over our spirit. When we do turn from the right path, conviction occurs to bring us back to the correct path. We are rebuked. God is sought in prayer to seek forgiveness. Forgiveness is readily given by God, for He is divine. Humans are not so forgiving-of ourselves especially.

I used to be truly awful on this point(can still be from time to time). My nature is very critical-of others and especially myself. High standards are what I have set for myself. When I do not meet those standards, the pummeling of my soul begins while God watches on the sideline. It feels like I'm in a boxing gym. Smell of sweat is heavy in the air. Walk mopingly to the speedbag, except there is no speedbag. My heart hangs from the form. Fire and anger light my eyes as I see the source of my lack of dedication. There is no forgiveness in my touch! I whale away upon my own soul. We have a tendency to be merciless when we make mistakes! I know that I do. We carry them around with us. They are shackled to our feet. What we have to realize is that God has already given us the key of forgiveness. It will unlock the shackle on our foot. We just have to use it.

Forgiveness, even of ourself, is divine. God gave us that spark of the divine. It rests within our heart. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to forgive ourself. God just wants us to understand, to know the difference between good and evil and apply it to correct our path. He does not enjoy watching us waste away in a prison of our own device! Understand that we did wrong! Do not return to said folly! Embrace His forgiveness and our own, and continue with purpose and passion down the road we were meant to walk!



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