Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Proverbs 25:28

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." Proverbs 25:28

Satan has one mission. Distraction! He wants to keep our minds off God. The means that he has at his disposal are numerous. Movies, internet, video games, vacations, books(that focus on things not of God), music, liquor, drugs, etc. All of these give us an escape from our "mundane" lives. Allow us a glimpse of something that we can't possess on an everyday basis. They are viewed as "breaks" or "relaxation." Indeed, breaks they are. Breaks from God. A separation time from God when they are used and consumed in exceedingly abundant dosages.

The Enemy wants to keep us on the run. He wants to keep our soul bouncing around like a pingpong ball. Our sould just keeps pinging back and forth between God and whatever tidbits of relaxation that we may indulge in. An idea pops into my head of the Old West. Our bodies are moving cities; our soul is the keep of that city. When we give into the distractions, our city reverts to the Old West. No longer are we "cities", we are wagon trains. Wagon trains were basically moving cities in that era. When we have been thus converted, the Enemy is happy.

"Indians", or distractions, can attack us at will. Distract us at will. We have to stop, form up the circle, put our children(soul) in the middle, and attempt to protect the goods and loved ones. By series of attacks, the "indians" can basically guide and lead us on a meandering path(that leads anywhere but to God). We are consuming ourselves voluntarily; spending ourselves on emptiness. Seeking a relaxation that does not exist at the end of said path. In actuality, we run away from the true source of relaxation in this life! GOD!

Give God those moments you seek. Those moments of relaxation. He will give you the strength to rule over your soul. The strength to ignore the distractions, to see them for what they truly are! Breaks away from God, instead of breaks in God. Do not allow your sould to be a roving city with no defenses. Give the key to your city over to the Worty One. He will safeguard the keep of your heart. The keep will not be overrun, but the walls will stand tall and His banners will fly high!



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