Psalm 38:10A
"My heart panteth, my strength faileth me..." Psalm 38:10A
"....So run, that ye may obtain." 1 Corinthians 9:24B Our hearts are running a spiritual race. The track is deep inside of us. The Lord's track is a well beaten path, but there is another path that the heart can choose. After running a while on the Lord's path, the heart may decide to go his own route. This may be due to our thinking we know whats best for us. When this choice is made, we leave the well beaten path to take a darker, more tangled path.
This path, our chosen path, is dark, oppressive, and dreary. Thorns line the way and tear at our vulnerable heart. The longer we run down this path, the more it affects our heart. The heart is oppressed by the Enemy. It is kept down this stray path, away from the light. When we are in the light(of Jesus), this is how our heart breathes. Our heart breathes in the goodness of the Holy Spirit. But when we choose to divert to the other path(darkness), we leave the light. Our source of breath, of life, is gone. When we run away from God's will towards our own, the heart pants. It breathes rapidly, shallowly, quickly, spasmodically, in a labored manner. Our spiritual strength will fail when we do not have the breath of life(the Holy Spirit) in our hearts.
Needless to say, when my heart starts panting and the world is crushing in, I know that I'm in the wrong. Its time to get back to clean, clear air that my heart can breathe. Get back to my strength, Almighty God. Once we are back on the right path, the air will taste so sweet to our hearts. God will replenish us. What do we learn from this ordeal? Simple.... "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23
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