Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Proverbs 10:12

"Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins." Proverbs 10:12

Hatred can do some amazing things to our heart. It can totally change the climate of our heart. As a child, our hearts are sunny and lush with grass. A beautiful clime resides in our hearts. Events have a way of occurring in our life. Life and people can be cruel to us. By these acts, a climate shift occurs. What is this new clime like?

The sun in our hearts changes subtly. Ever so slightly, the climate changes. Hatred can come to reside in our heart. Hatred brings a change in climate. The sun becomes a searing sun. No longer does it beam down on us warmly, as if smiling. Now it glares down on our heart. It sears the heart, and all the grass dies away. A desert is left in a once love-thriving environment. We walk around in this desert aimlessly. The heart of hatred saps our strength. Whirling dust devils issue from our heart to attack other hearts. The sand whipping and tearing at another's tender heart. Attempting to roughen and harden other's hearts. Hatred makes our hearts into a very hard place to reside. Hope can be found in the desert!

A mirage appears in the form of a man at a well. Do our eyes deceive us? The smiling visage is staring straight at us! A smile offering a hint of coolness to the arid air. We approach this man. A cup is in his hand. Cool blessed water. Not just any water though, the Living Water is in the cup. A taste of heaven resides in the cup. This is no mirage to the thirsty soul. A humbleness occurs; a giving up of hatred to the Man with the nail pierced hands. The cool, crisp water touches our lips and glides down our throats. A noticeable change in the air occurs. We thought the clime could and would never change. Snow begins to fall in the desert. A cool radiance of love emits from Jesus' eyes. His love blankets the hot sand of the heart. The snow does it's work over time to change a once barren desert into a hospitable clime once again. Love will thrive ONCE AGAIN!

Hatred can come in and take over your heart, if allowed. The dust devils will attempt to stir up strife in your life and the life of others. Jesus has the antidote for such a poison. Hatred is A POISON! His love will enter our hearts to bring about a change. No matter what kind of climate you have in your heart, it can be changed. God will bring in a cold front to give the necessary precipitation to precipitate a change. Love can and will conquer all sins!!!!!!!



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