Tuesday, January 10, 2006

How to Read the Epistles

How to Read the Epistles

"The uncertainty lies always in the intellectual region, never in the practical. What Paul cares about is plain enough to the true heart, however far from plain to the man whose desire to understand goes ahead of his obedience." George MacDonald

We always want to gather the intel up and store it on a shelf in our mind. It does us no good there. Practical application is the key to understanding. Obedience is practical application. The more a person loves another person, the more that person can probe the depths of love. He can learn all about it from the inside, from practical use. Full understanding comes from using the tools God gave us to become more like Christ and to help others. Not only to become more like Him in deed, but in understanding. We will learn to think as Jesus did. Perceive people with his attitude. An attitude of love. An attitude of the Father. We must never do things just to copy Jesus, but to gain a better understanding of him through practical application. Common practice builds confidence. Frequent us also instills joy. Jesus was ever the servant that served out of the sheer joy of the Father.

The more we know how to embrace His grace, the easier it will be to exude His qualities. Soon, our heart is surrounded by our old friends: volitional love, patience, temperance, and godlikeness. Our heart is infused, and becomes a true heart. A true heart after the Father's heart. The heart will never truly change if you just try to memorize scripture(store it in the memory banks) or copycat Jesus. Thought must go into loving others. It is to be a full embrace of these actions that will allow us to gain the understanding to make it truly meaningful. God made this life to be On-the-Job training. The Bible is His training manual. Obey His Word. Understanding and a life change will follow.



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