Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My My

"My my skin can't take much more of this she says, scaling over me, everytime I wash it off, I find two more underneath." My My Seven Mary Three

Treasures can be found in the oddest places. Curses can too!! They come along before we find Christ, when we find Christ, and as we walk with Christ. Regardless of when it happens, sin is a burden. Burdens take different forms and shapes. Sometimes, I like to think of them as scales. Especially since scales helped get us into the predicament that we are currently in! "Now the serpent was more subtile than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Genesis 3:1 To me, scales have a special link to evil. They can cover different areas of the body. Mainly, they attack the senses. Eyesight and hearing are the first to go. It has happened in the past. In this circumstance, it was more of a treasure! It was for the greater good of the kingdom. "And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptised." Acts 9:18 Paul was born on this occasion. Scales can be a curse as well.

Usually, these scales of sin are prisons of our own devising. I believe Creed said it best, "I've created my own prison." Regardless of when they come, there are questions that follow. What is so bad about these scales? How can I get rid of them? Who can get rid of them? It is no different than any other treatment plan. First, you need a doctor! Referrals are your best and only key. Sin burdens our hearts, which leads us to believe it is spiritual. Naturally, we visit some spiritual friends or "Christians." Christians have a tendency to send people to the same doctor, or the Great Physician(God). Now that we have a doctor, the next step is to visit this Physician and get a diagnosis.

Prayer is the means to finding out the problem. Some of us know this, and some of us do not. Sometimes Christians sin and do not even realize the scales that have formed over our eyes. God will give us a spiritual chin check via our brothers and sisters. He will proceed to diagnose the problem we have. Sin is usually the answer. It covers our eyes and ears to the problem. It may take God and our friends and family a while to get through to us. The main reason is because of the lies that Satan tells us. These scales, he and we have so aptly applied, are layered thick....or so we believe. Everytime we think we kick some sin or steer clear of it, we find more underneath. Satan wants us to think that instead of one ball and chain, we really have four or five attached to us. He continues to deceive us and make us believe that we can never get clean of all the trash and bad things that we have done in our lives. But, God has a different plan. He has the antidote, and the antidote is Jesus.

Jesus will cut through the deception. He will throw the layers to the side and show us the core. "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." Acts 26:18 Jesus will show us the ugliness and darkness in us, cleanse and sanctify it, and set us out the front door of that doctor's office. Only Jesus has the power to cut through the ugly layers of our past, the ugly on the inside, and transform that catepillar into a beautiful butterfly.

All this does tend to boil down to one point though! Will. We put ourselves in these positions. Turn ourselves away from God, and bask in the darkness. It is due to our own dark desires. God can change the desires of our heart. He can cleanse the evil and give us a new, beautiful heart. Paul was three days without sight. My question to you is this: How long will your three days be? How long will you go without a Christ-filled and given sight?



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