Echoes of Love
Echoes of Love
Beauty lies all around us. It also lies deep within our hearts and souls. Did you ever think that you could see an echo? An echo is usually thought as the repetition of a sound caused by the reflection of sound waves. It can also be one who closely imitates or repeats another's words, ideas, or acts. An echo can be seen and sometimes it will blow you away by the force of it!
I believe that I've witnessed just such an echo. An echo of love is the phenomenon that I witnessed. Love came from the Almighty. He is the author of this fabulous caress of the soul. "We love him, because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19 It all started with Him when He created Adam and Eve before they fell into sin. Life was perfection for they lived with the Holy One in perfect communion together. They shared unadulterated love between Him and them. Their souls basked in one million candlewatt power of God's brilliant pristine heart and never felt a tinge of a burn. A tragedy occurred when Adam and Eve sinned. They were separated from the immediate presence of the Almighty. Where do echoes come into this?
Our hearts resound with the love of God after all this time. From the time of Adam and Eve, God's love still makes our hearts reverberate with the power of His beautiful nature and awesome power. Whether we know him or not, love can shake the hardest of hearts and make an impact. The strongest impact can be made by one who truly loves God and respects Him and His Word and commands. Love shines through their eyes in a direct line from the brilliant and pristine heart of Abba. I have witnessed such echoes of love in the eyes of a person. It is an awesome feeling and one never taken for granted. The heart will flutter in the basking of such filtered love! Just take a moment....if you have ever felt such love before...imagine in your mind....the full onslaught of God's love upon your soul! Methinks mine heart would burst!! Echoes can be beautiful things, just as beautiful as shooting stars. Bask in its glory and see what you can do to return the favor by letting God's love so fill your heart that it bursts forth through your eyes to bless those around you!!
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