Our lives have been planned out before the beginning of time. Everything and everyone have been put in our lives for a reason. Friends and family were put in our lives because we were specifically made to contribute into their lives. In my fledgling stages of Christianity, I continued to hang out with my non-Christian friends. At this point in my life, it was not a wise decision. I backslid in numerous ways. Eventually, the doors will be closed, such was the way in my life. I lived a true single life for a while.
"And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth," Exodus 34:6 God has indeed been gracious to me. He has surrounded me with great, God-fearing friends. They have helped me greatly in my walk. God all the while working on me through His Word and through them. We need friends that constantly challenge. We have a God that constantly challenges us. Challenge is what makes us grow! Strength in the Lord is what is grown. Security in the Lord. Trust in the Lord. He will build us up....for what you might ask?
Funny you should ask! Like I said before, God places people in our lives for a reason. Images flood my mind. Wells galore. God has dug wells in our lives. These wells are my non-Christian friends and family. I have kept in contact sparsely, just enough to not forget them nor they forget me. The relationship hasn't been the same. I'm a different man than I was before. The lay of the land is different. Sometimes, I feel like a spy in a foreign land. Honest truth is that I've been scared. Many different reasons exist: backslide again, lack of knowledge to evangelize and witness, or that I might be forced to compromise my morals. The phone is a wonderful way to keep your distance yet keep in touch. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever make an impact on them. Examine the above scripture Exodus 34:6, one word just stuck out to me: longsuffering. I have done it remotely, but I believe God is now telling me to drop the remoteness. Embrace the longsuffering as He has done for thousands upon thousands of years. Become one with Christ.
The burden upon my heart now is overwhelming sometimes. God has thankfully opened the flood gates of compassion and longsuffering in my soul. I heard his message clearly for the first time the other day! GO BACK TO THE WELLS THAT I HAVE DUG! Go back to those that I've neglected. Be the man that I've never been to them before. I can now be a better friend, son, brother, nephew, uncle, and cousin than I ever was before. For I have a love that I could never share before, the love of Jesus and my Almighty Father. A love such as they have never experienced before; all they have felt is the hunger pangs deep within their souls. Thanks to the work He has done in me, I can show them that love.
The fear is gone. I am not afraid to go back now. God has told me the way and I shall go. I do not always know what to say, but I pray that through the simple act of obedience that God will do through me what needs to be done. Sometimes, that is all it takes. Obedience. I pray that I've been obedient throughout all this and continue to be. I pray that the living water inside the well of my heart will saturate those hearts and spring those wells into action. Jesus, the Living Water, has that ability!
I believe there are dry times in our lives and in our friends and family members lives. When it comes to dinner time, the table has to be prepared. The table of our hearts is in constant preparation. Jesus wants to come in and sup with us(Revelation 3:20). It took time for God to build up my strength and courage. He took time to prepare their hearts. Its almost suppertime. *DING DING* I am heeding the call. Do you hear the ringing of the dinnerbell? Is God telling you to return to those wells? Are their people in your life that it is time to re-establish contact with? Heed the call that God has on your heart! Their are people in need. WE are God's Emergency 911 service. He sends us out to those in need of Him. To many people, we are the only ones capable of getting through to their hearts! Do not miss out on this emergency call! Your services are needed.
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