The Same
The Same
"The former are content to have the light cast upon their way; the latter will have it in their eyes and cannot; if they had, it would blind them. For them to know more would be their worse condemnation. They are not fit to know more, more shall not be given them yet.... "You choose the dark; you shall stay in the dark till the terrors that dwell in the dark affray you, and cause you to cry out." God puts a seal upon the will of man; that seal is either His great punishment or His mighty favor: "Ye love the darkness, abide in the darkness"; "O woman great is thy faith: be it alone unto thee even as thou wilt!" George MacDonald
Man is about self. We are carnal creatures of which the physical world is the only thing that we are sure of from the start. The material things of this world are simple. They can be seen, figured out, and taken apart due to intellectual prowess. Unfortunately for the intellectually proud, the unseen cannot be figured out in the same said manner. It requires an outside influence. The soul is the keyhole, and God has the key. He plugs Jesus Christ into the ignition of our hearts and fires up our hearts with His understanding. It floods into us. Jesus is the key to understanding each other and God. If mere man could figure out these things with his mind, the worse condemnation would set in. He would know that he could figure out man, and think that he could figure out God. How ABSURD!! Man would try to promote himself to a higher level. A level higher than God. Pride leaves us outside the circle of light. We have thrown ourselves outside of God's radiance. Darkness is our new residence, and we did all THAT apartment/house hunting on our own. We did it to ourselves. Man has then sought to become better than his maker. The same folly Lucifer believed and believes in! If we but open the path of the keyhole for God, if we willfully choose to give God his due access, then we will receive His mighty favor and blessings. We will be lifted up in glory, for it is His glory that shines forth from us unto all those in need!
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